sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009

28 de Abril de 2009 - DIA DA CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA

CIENTEC 2009 - Ciência e Tecnologia de mãos dadas na Escola E.B. 2, 3/S de Barroselas...

Aqui fica o artigo enviado para a participação no Projecto: Primavera da Europa...

Science and Technology day

It´s a day dedicated to science and technology. The school is divided into five sections on this day: Maths, Biology and Natural Science, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Technology and Technological Education.

Students and teachers join together to show to the youngsters and some grown-up too, some experiments, constructions, history and secrets of Science and Technology.

This “unique” day will be remembered by all as a day of learning and group work.

Carlos Miguel Dias de Brito, 11.º A